The Game of Domino


The domino game is a family of tile-based games. The tiles are rectangular with two square ends, which are marked with a number of spots. The goal of the game is to build a tower of dominoes in a set amount of time. The winning player is the one who has a tower with more spots than the opposing player.


While the origin of domino is uncertain, a number of different stories are associated with its invention. The Chinese, in particular, claim credit for its creation around the 12th century, but there is evidence to suggest that it was first played by people in Egypt in 1355 BC. Later, the game spread to Asia and Europe, becoming a popular drinking game. Originally, dominoes were played in drinking taverns and traditional inns.

The name domino is thought to have been derived from a Latin word, dominus, which means “master.” The name “domino” is said to recall the black hood worn by priests in Europe. In fact, the word “dominus” also means “master” and “lord.”


There are several variations of the rules for the game of domino. In the simplest form, the first player sets down a stone on the center of the game table. The second player then plays a bone to the open end of the layout. Play continues until a player has no dominos left or reaches a block. After this, the game ends when the player’s last tile matches up with one of the other tiles.

The rules of domino are quite simple even for a novice. The game originated in France around 1750. The name domino is derived from a long hooded cloak worn by priests. Domino pieces are typically ivory or black. As dominoes were played in Europe and other places, a domino lingo grew. Today, there are several slang terms for the game that are often used in discussions about the strategy of the game.


The game of domino can be played in many variations, each of which has its own unique rules. The standard game consists of two players holding seven tiles each. A player scores points by placing a tile on their opponent’s tile. Other variations include the five-up variation, which uses multi-colored tiles and a spinner tile. Some versions also allow players to block the line of play and place doubles anywhere along it.

In the traditional version, a player with a double six leads the game. The player who is next in line has the heaviest domino of the same suit. The players then take turns picking dominoes from the stock, with some variations requiring players to pick seven dominoes at a time. The winner earns the win and a bonus.

Origins in France

The origins of domino are murky. It is thought to have originated in France around 1750. The word domino originally referred to the long hooded cloak worn by priests. It is believed that the game was influenced by this historical tradition, as the black underside of the domino pieces resembled capes. Since then, the game has spread throughout the world. Read on to find out more about the game’s history.

The game first came to Europe in the early eighteenth century, when it was played in Italian bars. Later, dominoes spread to southern Germany and Austria and eventually to France. It became an instant hit in France and spread to other European countries. The French even invented many variations of the game, which eventually spread to the United States.

Influence on US foreign policy

The influence of domino theory on US foreign policy has often been discussed by US national security experts. It is an old theory that describes how events in one region can spread to another. The theory was largely used to justify US foreign policy decisions in the Middle East in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The Bush White House feared that the rise of Islamist groups would undermine Western-friendly states and provide recruiting material for those who opposed American interests in the region. Alternatively, the theory argues that the spread of democracy would eventually bring peace to that region.

The domino theory originated during the Red Scare, when the U.S. government was concerned that weak governments would fall victim to communist pressure. The US responded by providing financial aid to poor nations such as Turkey and Greece. This was a program known as the Truman Doctrine. In 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower mentioned the domino theory.