The Domino Effect in Writing


Domino (also dominoes or dominos) is a small, flat, rectangular block used for playing various games. Each domino has a surface that is either blank or bears from one to six pips or dots. A complete domino set usually consists of 28 pieces, although larger sets are available for more complex games or for players who want to construct long lines and angular patterns. Also known as bones, cards, chips, tiles, stones, or spinners, dominoes are used to create designs and patterns, or just for fun by lining them up in rows and knocking them over.

The domino effect is the concept that a single action or event can cause a chain reaction in which similar events occur in a subsequent order. This principle is a common part of fiction, where plotting often comes down to the question, “What happens next?” Considering the domino effect in writing can help authors craft more compelling stories.

When creating her mind-blowing domino setups, Hevesh follows a version of the engineering-design process. She starts by determining the theme or purpose of her installation and brainstorming images or words that might relate to it. She then creates test versions of each section of the design to ensure it works as intended. She films these tests in slow motion to spot any problems and make precise corrections.

Once she is satisfied that her design works as envisioned, Hevesh puts it together in sections. She builds 3-D sections first, followed by flat arrangements. Then, she connects the various sections with lines of dominoes. Hevesh makes sure each section is stable before moving on to the next step in her creation.

A common strategy in domino games is to draw from a stock of dominoes that are stacked up and face down on the table. This stack, called the boneyard or boneyards, consists of all the remaining pieces that are not being used in a particular game. Each time a domino is drawn, its potential energy converts to kinetic energy, or the energy of motion. This energy then pushes on the next domino in the line, and so on until all the pieces fall over.

Domino is a popular game for children, and it can also be played by adults. Some games involve putting the dominoes in lines or angular patterns, while others are scoring games where players try to win by placing their tiles edge-to-edge against those of their opponents to form specified totals.

Domino is a game that requires attention and concentration, but it is not difficult to master. It is possible to play domino with as few as two people, but larger groups are often more exciting and challenging. Domino is also an excellent way to introduce young children to the concept of chance and probability. The possibilities are endless, as each domino that falls affects the outcome of the next. In addition, the game can teach kids about counting and sequencing.